In case any of you non-DCers wonder what the hell I'm talking about every year.
This is the Buffy Horror Picture Show. Which is like the Rocky Horror Picture Show in that we act out what's on the screen next to us... but to the musical episode "Once More, With Feeling" of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
I saw Batman again, tonight. Obsessive? Maybe. I just view it as a good way to spend 10 dollars and waste three hours. Plus, tonight was captioned, so I could actually pay attention to cop's names, everything Gordon said, and the fun descriptions of noises. (Who decided that it will say, "[thunderous boom]" instead of something like "[echoing
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I mean, it was cute, but then when I realized what song it was, I lol'd really bad. It's quite impressive, if you ask me, and I'm not really a fan of big birds.
Disclaimer: My best work does not come from months of not even watching the episode, and then getting massively drunk the night before. And then eating a big IHOP breakfast. Thank god I am back-lit, and in about 10 seconds, total. (That's me in the very middle, btw, "doing" the Anya dance
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